The development that caters to the present need without conceding on the futuristic needs while meeting their own needs for today can be termed as Sustainable Development. It is directly related to human development as an organizing sustaining principle to diligently preserve the natural reserves and ecosystem on which the socio economical structure evolves.
Data & Facts
UN adopts 17 Global Sustainable Goals (SDGs) on 25th Sept. 2015. Global countries on 1st Jan 2016 pledge to work towards an equitable and sustainable future for all till 2030.
India’s present rank is 117 on global index of SDGs.
Goal 1- No Poverty Goal 2- Zero Hunger Goal 3- Good Health and Wellbeing Goal 4- Quality Education Goal 5- Gender Equality Goal 6- Clean Water and Sanitization Goal 7- Affordable and Clean Energy Goal 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 9- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Goal 10- Reduced Inequalities Goal 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 12- Responsible Consumption and Production Goal 13- Climate Action Goal 14- Life Below Water Goal 15- Life on Land Goal 16- Peace Justice and Strong Institutions Goal 17- Partnerships
The GDP of India in 2021 is valued around 3.05 Trillion $ with a GDP rank of 6th it aims to be a 5 Trillion economy by 2025. The focus is on a sustainable and inclusive growth trajectory by stressing on building Infrastructure, fostering Innovation, spurring Investments, enabling Technology, boosting Manufacturing and encouraging Entrepreneurship Stimulators. Government of India through NITI Aayog is developing state of art resource centers clubbing best resources, knowledge and skill sets to achieve these global sustainable goals in sync with Aatma Nirbhar Bharat or a Self Reliant India. With active participation of states as a shared vision and mission statement it has set aims for national development sectors with complementing strategies and priorities.