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Manjul Thapliyal

Social Media: Gadget Generation Z

Youth is synonymous with gadgets and so we can aptly call today’s generation the gadget generation. Social media has been a rage among users in the last decade but its use among the gadget generation has spread like wildfire in the last few years due to its seamless jelling with technology. Generation Z has moved ahead from Millennials and Generation X and is compatible with Snapchat, Instagram, You Tube, Alexa, Siri, Go Pro, WeWork, BYOD, BYOA, GroupMe and Google Home.

Data & Facts

As per 2021 data, Facebook leads the race with around 2.85 billion active monthly users and market cap of $926.8billion. Around 3.5 billion users have used one of Facebook Inc. core products WhatsApp, Instagram, Messanger or Facebook(Core) in the first quarter of 2021.

Facebook has been the first social media account ever to have had 1 billion registered users.

The company reflected its FY 2020 net income of $29.1 billion on $84.1 billion in revenue, mostly from advertising.

Facebook Inc. owns WhatsApp, Instagram, Messanger and Facebook(Core). These are the four biggest social media platforms, with each of them having more than 1 billion active users.

Facebook and its associated app were down for several hours on 4th Oct, 2021. Its last major offline outage was in 2019 for the entire day.

In India active social media users in 2021 are around 0.448 billion (448 million) with 0.444 billion (444 million) mobile social media users.

Social Media Boon

Tech Savy, Brain Development, Time & Cost Saving, Latest & Fastest Updates, Authentic News, Self Study, Remote Learning and Information Pool etc.

Social Media Bane

Radiation Exposure, Reduced Interaction, Damaged Eyesight, Sleep Reduction, Obesity, Cyber Addiction, Unethical & Prohibited content, Fake News, False Marketing, Prone to Violence, Cut off from Nature etc.


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