Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a Product or Process to understand and predict the counterpart’s performance and characteristics. This reliable replica or robust digital mirror image of the physical systems is one of the most progressive integrations of value chains. DT stimulates and optimizes accessible and improved procedures in a data driven environment to further improvise business processing, medical and manufacturing entities at stabilized financial costs. These new data driven, prior deep insights are of vital significance to enhance performances and regulate people, product, placement, production and price. Benefits of Digital Twin reflects improved and enhanced product quality, customer satisfaction, resilience & supply chain agility, business models, operations, service and sustainability, thus reducing price and time to market. There are Component/Part Twins, Asset Twins, System/Unit Twins and Process Twins.
Facts and Figures
Concept of Digital Twin Model shared in 2002.
Dr. Michael Grieves ideates the term Digital Twin or DT. He is now the Chief Scientist and Executive VP at Florida Institute of Technology.
At a presentation in university of Michigan in 2002, Dr. Grieves outlines the conceptual ideal of Product Life Cycle (PML).
Presentation slide highlights Digital Twin Concept, through figure 3 and stresses on real and virtual space. It further links the information flow from virtual to real space, thus integrating virtual sub spaces also.
Conceptual model initially referred as the Information Mirroring Model based on lean thinking.
DT then used for Aeronautics and Aerospace by NASA in 2010 through John Vickers who termed it “Digital Twin”, though NASA had a thought process of a living model of Apollo 13 in 1960 to study malfunctions in Space.
Four phases of creation, production, operation and disposal to connect virtual and real system networks to create replica models for stability and sustainability.
Largest market for DT is Manufacturing with an approximate value 7bn USD for 2025 and from manufacturing Augmented Realty IOT for 2030.